strawberry slushie

I love making slushies and i love strawberries. When i have lots of them to spare after i’ve used them for pies, tarts and other deserts that call for fresh strawberries, this will be my next pick. Look for strawberries that are red, inside and out. The sugar will juice up any strawberries and make them sweeter of course, but it cannot work miracles. So standby a few spoonful of fine sugar to add to the sweetness.

Makes one jug

400g strawberries

a few sprigs of fresh mint

1/2 a lemon

ice cubes

fine sugar, to taste

Hull the strawberries and add them to a blender with a handful of ice cubes, a few mint leaves and the juice of half a lemon. Add enough water to cover and whiz. Taste the mixture and sweeten with the sugar if necessary. Pour into a jug half filled with ice, give it a good stir and serve.

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